Dalam pengajuan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) untuk rumah, salah satu syaratnya adalah menyertakan gambar bangunan beserta “soft copy” yang terdiri dari gambar arsitektur. Namun masih banyak pemohon... [read more]
Untuk provinsi DKI Jakarta mulai tahun 2020, proses pengurusan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) hanya dilayani secara online. Peraturannya? Berikut adalah panduan kelengkapan dokumen dalam mengurus Izin... [read more]
Despite the gloomy economic climate, the increase in prices and higher new sales volume last year continues to suggest the presence of genuine demand within the overall market. Heading into 2020, we e... [read more]
In addition to established business owners, the Global Investor Program will now allow next-gen business owners, founders of fast-growing firms and family office principals who meet certain criteria t... [read more]
The Philippine REIT (P-REIT) market has been live since 2009 but a combination of high public ownership requirements (67%) and transaction taxes had turned off property companies from listing vehicles... [read more]
displaying 1631-1635 of 1655 results