The Spring Residences Ciputat (Tower Springhill)
Status Under Construction
Property Name The Spring Residences Ciputat (Tower Springhill)
Property Scheme The Spring Residences Ciputat (Tower Springlake)
Developer Name PT Gading Development Tbk.
Year of Completion N/A
Total Units 2500
Street Name Jl. Otista Raya Blok B
Street Number 23
City South Tangerang
District Ciputat
Province Banten
Postal Code 15412
Population 1.399.496 in Tangerang Selatan (2024)
People Density 8/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 4.670.791 in Tangerang Selatan (2024)


The Spring Residences Ciputat (Tower Springhill) is located in Kecamatan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten