The Spring Residences Ciputat (Tower Springfield)
Status Under Construction
Property Name The Spring Residences Ciputat (Tower Springfield)
Property Scheme N/A
Developer Name PT Gading Development Tbk.
Year of Completion N/A
Total Units 2500
Street Name Jl. Otista Raya Blok B
Street Number 23
City South Tangerang
District Ciputat
Province Banten
Postal Code 15412
Population 1.399.496 in Tangerang Selatan (2024)
People Density 8/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 4.670.791 in Tangerang Selatan (2024)


The Spring Residences Ciputat (Tower Springfield) is located in Kecamatan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten