The Pakubuwono Masterpiece Residences (Signature Tower)
Status Completed
Property Name The Pakubuwono Masterpiece Residences (Signature Tower)
Property Scheme Strata
Developer Name PT. The Pakubuwono Development
Year of Completion 2014
Total Units 188
Website N/A
Street Name Jl. Pakubuwono 6 No.72
Street Number RT.4/RW.7
City Jakarta
District South Jakarta
Province DKI Jakarta
Postal Code 12120
Population 2.230.653 in Jakarta Selatan (2024)
People Density 14.454/km2
Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) IDR 5.067.381 in Jakarta Selatan (2024)


The Pakubuwono Masterpiece Residences (Signature Tower) is located in Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta